Image Consulting

In today's job market, it can be tough to get a job at the level you're trained for. You can apply and apply, do interview after interview, and still never be accepted. Some of your problem may be the recession, but it's also possible that something in your resume or your manner is offending or turning off potential employers. It can be very difficult to assess yourself, so let an image consultant do it for you. Here are some of the things that an image consultant will do for you.

The first thing an image consultant will do is to assess your current image. Your consultant will use a variety of methods, including interviews with people you've encountered on your job search, a perusal of your work history, and interviews with you to make his or her assessment. Whether it's the fact that your salary expectations are too high or the fact that you're not qualified, your consultant will uncover the reasons why no one seems to want to hire you.

Finding the problem is only half the battle, because the issues still have to be fixed if you want to obtain a rewarding career. So next your image consultant will sit down with you so you can discuss ways in which your image can be improved. Since it's important that you feel comfortable with the new image, your consultant will work with you rather than for you during this process. Sometimes all it takes is to create a better representation of the real you, but other times it may be necessary to alter the truth a little to achieve your desired goals.

The solutions your image consultant might propose are many and varied. He or she may simply suggest a change in the wording of your resume and cover letter or an alteration in your manner when you arrive for an interview, or the solution may be more involved. Sometimes it will be necessary for you to do some work. The consultant may suggest you obtain a real estate license in Ontario to lend weight to your opinions or to invest time or money into charities to make up for a past infraction.

Image consulting isn't just for people who are having trouble finding a job, either. Some businesses and business owners find image consulting useful if they're having trouble attracting customers or clients. A company run by men, for example, might look for help in finding a gentle way to pitch feminine products, or a CEO involved in a scandal might need help rehabilitating his or her image among the public.

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